Sunday, June 30, 2013

My funeral will be a party!

Gone are the days when mourners would wear all black or all white clothes while walking the streets to the sad tune of “Hindi Kita Malilimutan.” There’s just something wrong with this scenario. I mean, death is not the end of life. It is the beginning of a new life, a life of freedom, freedom from pain, diseases and whatever other burden life has to offer. So, it's not something to cry about, it's something to celebrate!

If I were to die, I wouldn’t want people crying during my funeral. If they do or did love me, then they ought to be happy that I have gone. With all the things I’ve been through, I guess death is the easiest way out for me. Not that I want to die now, I’m just saying that to be free from life’s crazy ways I have to be dead, and since I am not dead yet, then here I am, still wrecking my brain of how I can deal with life. So, if death do come to take me, isn’t it just fair that the people who claims to love me be happy because I am finally free?

As for the clothes, please spare me the cliché of wearing black and white. These colors are just too gloomy for my taste. I know I like black, but not for funerals, the emotion is heavy enough during such even especially with everyone crying that adding black to it makes it unbearably sad. White, on the other hand, is one shade that I never have been fond of. My high school uniform was all-white and that gave me four years of laundry nightmare! I can never wear white properly, which is basically my dense reason for not wanting white in my funeral. I like green, blue, pink, purple, yellow also, even red. Just let go of the gloomy colors and bring in the rainbow!

I love music and it is an important part of my life, thus, I want the music in my funeral to be beautiful, hip, and cool. When I say beautiful, hip, and cool, I would mean those sounds that I enjoy listening to like EBTG, VST and Co. Apo Hiking Society, Indigo Girls, etc. etc. I have a collection so selecting music wouldn’t be that hard.

I still want the old school parade of people from my house (or wherever the wake would be) to the church. But instead of walking slowly while sniffing, I want street dancing and singing. Hear me! I am not joking! This is true! I want the people joining my funeral to be dancing in the street as they march towards the church. I am yet to think of a good song, but as of now, I think I like “Awitin mo” by VST and Co. (is my title right?)  
I also don’t want the balloons that some mourners would send up to the sky for wishes. I want pompoms, fireworks, and those ribbons that pop out of tubes (I don’t know what they are called). All these while shouting “Bye Bye Kyo! Have fun!”

But you know, until last Monday I was still wondering why I was spared from death twice, but after watching “A Little Bit of Heaven,” a movie about a dying woman, I realized that I wasn’t ready. The universe, the Supreme Being, God, will not take anyone who is not ready and by not ready I mean I haven’t done the things I want and need to do. The upside of this is that I have more years to live because I still haven’t figured out until now what I want and I still couldn’t clearly lay down what I need. The downside, however, is that I don’t know if I ever will be, and I don’t want to live to be a hundred. I, however, know one thing for sure; and that is how my deathbed would look like. I have this clearly painted in my head. I have my kids beside me and that’s all I see.

Nevertheless, regardless of when and how I will die, I still want to make it clear that I don’t care if I would be cremated or buried six feet under. I leave that decision to my family. What matters is the after funeral party! I’d be free, so it’s fair to party!

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