Tuesday, September 27, 2005

When my bird had a stroke :)

I found this article from my baul. I just thought I'd post it here after I read ma'am Amor's blog on her Koko :) I was reminded writing an article back in 2003 about heat stroke, inspired by how my bird became a victim...o well...

Early that Sunday morning my in-law transferred our ‘maina’ in her new cage. A cage much, much better than the one she’s been in for almost a year. It was dome shaped and made of metal coated with brown paint, which made it look like brass. We placed the cage at a corner in our rooftop where it was surrounded with plants, giving the bird a feel of being in a garden. Everyone was just too pleased to see her in that beautiful cage that no one had the faintest idea of what a big mistake we did.

At around 2 p.m. of that same day, my brother ran down the stairs holding in his hand a black feathery thing…yes it was the bird! She was not breathing and her body was so hot. We went up to see the cage and there it stood under the heat of the sun…my in-law uttered “na-heat stroke” and my sister quipped “kaw ba naman ang mababad ng ganyan sa araw e!”

Many sneered or even laughed at me when they hear how sad everyone in the house was after the incident, but what they don’t realize is that we were sad because we felt like the bird was roasted in her cage because we took for granted the sometimes, unfriendly heat of the sun.

My sister was right “ikaw ba naman ang mababad ng ganyan sa araw e!” because, later I found out that incidence of heat stroke has been reported all over the world. People have been dying of this illness and just recently, Health Secretary Manuel Dayrit warned the public of this illness.

Heat stroke is a type of heat stress, just like heat cramps and heat exhaustion, but it is the most serious of the three types as it can cause brain damage if not death.

Heat cramps are caused by muscle contraction at the hamstring areas. This can be really painful, like severe muscle pull. Decrease in body fluid and high temperature often cause this illness, thus a good amount of water intake and rest in a cool place can help prevent this. While heat cramp is not life threatening, ignoring it may lead to the development of a more serious heat related illness.

Heat exhaustion, as its name implies, is when the body gets exhausted from cooling off. Experts often remind us that sweating is healthy since it cools off our body and by that, balance the body temperature. However, very high temperature may sometimes cause our body to heat up faster that it can perspire, and the body then gets tired of cooling of.

Heat exhaustion is often characterized by fatigue, dizziness, nausea, paleness, vomiting and cool, clammy skin.

If signs of this illness manifests, it is best to go to a cool and shady environment or cool the body with tepid water. Covering the body with towels soaked in cold water will also help. Drink water a little at a time, but do it lots of times to ensure that the body keeps hydrated.

Heat exhaustion is a serious illness and should not be taken for granted. If the body temperature stay high even after treatment, it is best to consult a doctor.

Heat stroke on the other hand is a gravely serious illness, which may lead to death. This is when the body stops sweating while the body temperature continues to rise. While heat exhaustion slowly strikes and symptoms are often noticed easily, heat strokes may strike without warnings. The body turns hot and dry even in the under arms. A victim may suddenly show a change in behavior and may even hallucinate. Rapid pulse, delirium and seizure often happen. Then the victim becomes unconscious.

People who are unaccustomed to heat or who often becomes dehydrated from exercise or vomiting are most likely to be victims, so are people who works outdoors or who spend too much time under the sun. Those with diabetes, or heart disease should also be careful. Infants are also susceptible to these illnesses since their sweat glands are not yet well developed.

In a country such as ours where the weather shoots up often and especially now that El Niño is up, it is wise know what signs to look for to determine possible heat stress. Yet, it is still best to cautious to prevent heat related illnesses.

Taking care of the body and making sure that it is well hydrated may prevent these heat related illnesses. Drink lots of water before and after beating the heat. Putting salt in the water may also help (1/2 teaspoon salt in 1 quart of water). Formulated drinks such as Gatorade are also good since they maintain electrolytes in the body. If you happen to sweat a lot, drink more water.

Aside from hydration, ventilation is also very important. Sitting in shaded, places or places with plenty of airspace helps the body to naturally cool off. Always open windows when indoors or use a fan. Don’t stay long under the heat of the sun rest and cool off from time to time.

As for clothing, wear loose ones that would allow the body to release heat. Try to avoid tight clothing as it restricts the heat from coming out. Dark colors on the other hand absorb heat. Hats are okay, but when you feel that your head is getting hot remove it to prevent the heat from being trapped in you body.

So, your job may require you to stay under the sun, or you may feel like its summer and you ought to be under the sun having fun. But put in mind that the outdoors is not always fun and the sun is not always friendly.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A book…five months…a countdown to my reign over anger

There are some things in life that you just cannot change. You may have accepted it to be as such, but the people around you may not have.

There are times when you try so hard to fight and be strong for the people you love, only to find out that some of them would be hurting you and would, in the end, be causing anger to build up in you…not intentionally though.

I have been met by the greatest trial in my life. The one event I never thought would happen to me, yet it did, and all because I was too stubborn to use my head and too weak to have allowed my heart to lead me.

But the damage has been done, pain has been inflicted upon innocent ones and blame has been poured over the rightful recipient…me.

Yet, for how long should I endure these blames, these hurting words that even though I do admit all of my mistakes I still don’t feel deserving of being called sumpa (cursed), malas (misfortune) and worse lahi ng demonyo (of the devil’s bloodline), by the very people I have been loving all my life…my family.

I have grown accustomed to being addressed to as the bringer of malas in our home after my recent illicit affair which bore a fruit. Even the retirement of my dad, the financial difficulty in our house…almost everything bad happening to the family has been blamed on me. I have brought upon us the malas.

Well, I don’t blame them for calling me such. They were hurt by what I did and my recent crisis came at the same time when the family is experiencing great difficulties. I actually added up to the burden.

But I intended to help out. I told them I would work even in my condition, but they won’t let me. They wanted me to stay home for some reason.

So, now that the difficulty is much too deep to deny, I am the easiest to pin the blame on, not directly, but by calling me as the malas.

Just recently another term has been coined – sumpa. I do want to believe that my brother, the one who made the statement, did not intend to say such a thing to me, as the word was not directly addressed to me. However, as he said “Naniniwala na ata ako sa sumpa!” he was looking straight at me.

I’d like to believe that I’m just paranoid, for I do not think my brother, the one of all my siblings, who gained my greatest respect for his rational thinking, would say such a thing to me. Nevertheless, it hurts so much…paranoid or not of me.

Well, here at home, when Sundays come, you would often hear my mom saying that, we are having great misfortunes because I am not attending church anymore and that I do not pray. And whenever she gets the chance to come near me she would tell me “Magdasal ka naman anak para mawala ang malas natin.”

Well, you might say I’m just being too sensitive when I tell you that these words are irritating me each day that passes, but they do.

Honestly, I do pray, but do I really have to show the world that I am praying?

I believe that the only one who can help me keep my sanity despite all the things that are happening to me is my faith to Jesus. This is why I pray. I talk to Him, thank him and share my pains to him.

I pray to thank the Lord that up until now I can still love and think…that I am still sane. I go to church for a different reason…that is to make my mother happy.

Unfortunately, my mother’s belief of faith is one associated only to the Catholic Doctrine…thus I am a sinner and they are being punished as well for my sins.

Just this Sunday, I have experienced the deepest anger I have ever had for my mother. A feeling I never thought would come over me, but it did and though I’m deeply sorry for feeling it, I can’t help it and it’s still in me until now.

I wasn’t able to attend mass that Sunday because I have been having cramps and for some reason, I feel tired of listening to the priest moralizing, politicizing and criticizing most every person they can criticize for being a non-Catholic and these is being done during the children’s mass, where most of the attendees are children – who aren’t actually interested in the kind of sermon being done for they just run around the church, chat with each other, or sleep.

Well, my mother found out about it and she was so upset. She went to our room that night and seeing me lying on my bed, she most likely thought that I was asleep. So she called on my daughter and asked if we attended mass. My daughter of course told the truth the we didn’t, and my mother, so angry at what she heard, shouted at my daughter and told her “May lahi na talaga kayong demonyo!” she slammed the door after.

I turned to look I my daughter who was just staring at the closed door and was not saying a thing, until I called her to lye beside me.

I was so mad at my mother! I can accept being addressed as malas, or sumpa. It would have been fine for me too if she said “May lahi na talaga kayong demonyo!” directly to me…but no…she had to tell it to my daughter!

I wanted to ran after my mother, shout at her for what she said, of all the things I have been called this is but the lowest and it being said to my daughter just makes it even worse!

My daughter is nine and everything you say to her she is able to retain in her head. She is like a recorder and I wouldn’t be shocked if one day she would again bring up that comment, like what she always does about things she heard from a long time ago.

My anger rose and I would admit it’s still rising, because it has topped most every pain I have felt over the last few months since this crisis of mine broke out.

Yet I tried to keep calm. I do not want my daughter seeing me charging at my mom even if I have a valid reason. It’s just not a good example.

I kept calm and told myself “five months and a book to buy our freedom and we’ll be off!”

There’s nothing stopping me now. I love my family, I love my father and even if my anger for my mom is growing, I know I still love her. But I have a family of my own and she just charged at my daughter - I love my children the most, so I’m buying our freedom before my daughter gets hurt even more.

You might say I’m doing it for the wrong reason, but I think it’s about time to make my move. Move on in life on my own and prove to my children that we can survive…that I can survive for them.

Why buy my freedom? You might ask. I love my father and it has been my greatest dream to leave him something of my own, a piece of me before I prove to them I can stand alone.

I know he wouldn’t let me and would most probably say I can’t make it. But I have to make it. It’s something I have to do. Yet I cannot leave our home, knowing that I haven’t done anything for my dad. This book I am making is the one, it will help his business and it will leave him a piece of me.

And though it pains me to think that I have to do such an exit…I must for my own sanity.

Love is not enough, I have things to prove to myself, I have responsibilities to my children, that I should have started long ago, but was not able to for I was perceived as weak and unable to do so. Yet I am not…it was my guilt…my conscience…my fear of being called ungrateful for my family that has been stopping me and keeping me in this dead end.

But now I have to be brave. I know it will pain my father the most, but I have to be brave and move on alone for my children.

For how long must I endure the pain of being called malas or sumpa and the pain of my kids and I being referred to as lahi ng demonyo? Five months and a book…still five months more and a book in the process…but I’m counting and I’m finishing the book.

From then on I will be the queen of my realm, one which my children will learn to appreciate for it will be a realm from that of my love, my time, my perspiration – my whole being – for the future I alone owe my children and I alone can give them.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Welcome the -ber months!

Something from the old baul also :)

Have you noticed how the Philippines have the longest Christmas celebration in the whole world? We start celebrating Christmas on September and even extend it until January. You may try dropping by some malls on the first week of September and you’ll probably see some Christmas decors in the market already. Christmas songs will be hitting the radios and the Christmas countdown will start.

Many foreigners find this quirky, but let’s not care much about what they say, what matters is that Christmas is in the heart of every Filipino not only in December.

So let’s welcome the –ber months and have a good start for Christmas 2005. What best way to start the season right but by doing our Christmas list. It’s the best time to start listing and budgeting for the season because with the –ber months here expect packed malls, busy streets and the unstoppable price hikes.

Here are a few tips on how we can plan ahead and avoid having empty pockets come next year…

Make a Christmas list…
Start by listing all the people you want to give presents to this coming Christmas. Make it a long list…it’s easier to cut down on a list than to realize later that you forgot someone.

Look at your budget…
Most people will wait for their thirteen-month pay to start shopping. The problem with this is that you’ll end up buying items that are double their price. Try to consider that this season is the best way to bring prices up because everyone will be shopping at these times. So, it’s better to budget the money that will come in from this month onwards.

Set aside the amount you will need for your bills and everyday needs. From the remaining money every month you may start buying some of the gifts in your list and other Christmas item you may need like trimmings.
You’ll see how lighter you’ll feel when December comes and you’re gifts are complete and the only task left to do is to wrap them. Your thirteen-month pay will serve best for food on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Remember that budgeting is very important. Your gifts may really depend on you budget.

Choosing the gifts…
Now that you have a list and have thought of how you would budget your money, write your target gift beside the name of each person in your list. You may want to ask some of them for their wish list…but then again it all depends on your budget…they might put a way expensive item in their list and you’ll just end up saying “o shucks I’m short”.

So after you identified the gifts, go store hopping and try to see if you can get better deals on the items. If you start early, you’ll surely get better deals.
After canvassing, re-assess you list…are you going to overshoot with this list? If not, then you can start buying the items one at a time.

If you think you will overshoot, your option is to cut down the list or change the gifts to cheaper but still good ones (I recommend the second one though).

Gifts need not be expensive they simply need to come from the heart. In fact, you need not actually buy all the gifts. You can probably just make some of them like candles, beaded bracelets, cards and other handicrafts. If you have more time to spare, this is a really good time to spend it. Personalized gifts are always better and more heart warming.

As for the decors…
Come on! Do you really still want to spend on this one? How about digging up on old decorations and cleaning them? That’ll do, besides the holidays is not about decors, it’s about love and unity and the family spending some quality time together.

You can probably stick to that old Christmas tree and trimmings. Just check the old Christmas lights, if they’re still working, then use them, if not well you can buy one…but try not to buy so much… think about the PPA.

You can be earth friendly this season too. Try recycling for a change. I saw one lantern last year in a place in Pasay City, a few years back which was made of plastic coke bottles and another one in a school in the same place, made out of crumpled newspaper and varnished to shine…now that’s recycling!

Now the food…
What you will put on your table on Christmas and New Year’s Eve is important but need not be overwhelming. You don’t want lots of leftovers afterwards.
Just make a list of how many people will be eating at the house on those occasions and start planning the meals. List down how many kind of food and how much of each kind you need to serve. Again, consider the budget.

Put in mind that December is only the last month of the year, but it’s not the end of life. You still have January and the following months to look on to and it’s not very pleasing to start the next year with zero or negative balance, so plan ahead and stick to the budget. You can save on time and money doing this. Besides, you have three –ber months to prepare until December…so happy planning and happy holidays!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Keep the children moving

My daughter has always been fat, but it didn’t bother me much until I realized that I have been buying her clothes too often because she easily outgrows them. The fact that at the age of 7 she is a size 14 added to my worry. I had to go to the teens department instead of the children’s just to buy her clothes. We sometimes even share shirts.

Though her pediatrician assured me that she is not obese, he still stressed on the fact that she is at risk of being one.

I started watching her habits and I noticed that she do love to eat but in minimal amount. She doesn’t eat big meals, she prefer small snacks between small meals. I said to myself, it is not the meal that makes her fat, because I know lots of kids who eat more than her but are not big.

Then I noticed her favorite passtime and thought to myslef that I had hit the target.

My daughter is a TV buff who could stay in front of the boob for hours not minding if the show has been played over and over again. She tries to do other activities while watching, but these would be activities that would enable her to still stay in front of the TV.

I read in a magazine once that children who spend long hours watching TV tend to have little time to do physical activities. This results to slower metabolism and the build up of fats.

Indeed, my daughter doesn’t play much anymore. I remembered when I enrolled her in swimming class, she wasn’t that big then. But after that summer, even with the school starting already, she gained weight at a high rate.

Childhood obesity has become a global problem as said in TIME magazine’s August 2003 issue. The Philippines was mentioned as one of the countries to have an increasing rate of childhood obesity.
While obesity could be hereditary I still agree with the experts in saying that lack of physical activities has a great contribution.

Technology has a great deal to do with this. Now more children prefer to sit in front of the computers to play instead of grabbing a ball and shooting baskets. Many kids prefer riding those big battery operated cars/motorcycles instead of bicycles.

This is not to say that we have to stop our children from using these hi-tech toys, but we should let them sweat sometimes. We have to keep the children moving.


Childrens’ attitude towards physical activities would contribute a great deal to their doing it. They have to enjoy it to appreciate it. They to have to have confidence also to go through with it. Parent’s ought to encourage children to be involved in physical activies and sometimes it is good if we involve ourselves in their activities as well. So here are some tips on how kids would sweat…

· After they arrive from school and have rested, let them play with other children. If there are no other children in the house take some time to play with them.

· Enroll them in a sports class. This way they will be able to meet other kids and share interests with them and eventually enjoy attending the class.

· Let them walk from time to time. Go out on weekends and take a walk. Bring them to the mall or better yet to the park for a fresher air too.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A thousand fall...a million moving on

How many failures and disappointments does a person have to endure before he feels fulfilled?

I’ve made a lot of bad choices that later in life I figured out to be intertwined and all involved in my use of too much heart and less mind.

I have been through so many tribulations in my life that I cannot even find one stage in it that has none. From the smallest of mistakes to the greatest of failures…name them…I’ve been through them. But the start of the ‘failure waves’ in my life would be in my freshman year.

I didn’t really want to be in UPLB primarily because it was so far and the year I would enter college is the year after the famous killing of two students there. But, I wanted to be a UP student, who wouldn’t? It’s just that, Los Baños is just too far from home.

But my brother was taking up medicine and my sister, dentistry and the school I wanted had a highfaluting tuition fee and a lifestyle way beyond me. Insisting what I want would make things really difficult for my dad. Besides, he dreams of having a child in UP just like him, so I headed off to UPLB.

The entrance to UPLB had Independence written all over it and it was something I was excited about…yet fearful of.

College won’t be that bad, I thought. Little did I know that the talent I learned in my elementary days, the strength that I earned in high school, the Catholic doctrine and faith pounded into me by my mom, everything that carved my personality in the previous years of life was to be tested from the day I set foot in that campus.

I was to start the recreation of myself.

I was a freshman in a new world with a different culture. I got exposed to so many things and so many kinds of people.

I got into a relationship too early in the year. But this being the first real relationship I was in, the guy being the first guy in my life other than my brothers and my dad just made it too overwhelming. I gave everything to the relationship, my heart, my mind…my body. It became serious, too serious that I ended up in very big trouble.

Before the end of my freshman year, I got pregnant. I formulated lots of plans – from A to D. From the smallest thing that I would do to the biggest decision this situation would take. But nowhere in these plans did I include aborting the child…I was different then.

I didn’t realize that it’s been 4 months and I have been through summer class, and had already enrolled for the first semester of my sophomore year…still no one knew of my condition, not even my boyfriend.

But my body was giving me away. I had series of migraine attacks. Not ordinary headaches but head splitting pains. I was getting thinner, my eyes were surrounded with dark shadows…I was ill.

My father got frightened that they filed for my leave of absence from school thinking that I was so ill to attend classes.

I was at home already, but still I didn’t speak of my condition, no, I wasn’t afraid, I was trying to find the right time and it was taking longer. A month passed and now, it’s my conscience that’s giving me away. I was having nightmares and the last one was my wake up call…

I was in a foggy and cold room. A tall, lean man was up ahead sitting on a big chair. He was cradling a baby in one of his arms He forced a smile at me and motioned for me to come closer, so I did. Up close, I still couldn’t make out his face, there were eyes, nose, mouth, it was complete, but I can’t seem to recognize him. Then he spoke in a sad low voice “bakit hindi mo tanggapin ang regalo ko sayo?”

I was crying and shaking, then I realized my mom was waking me up asking me why I was crying…that was it…I had to spill it out. One deep breath and I told her my dream and then my condition.

She cried so hard…the cry that sounded like she had lost all hope…a desperate plea to God asking what she has done wrong…I sat still all the while.

Too afraid to inflict even more hurt on my parents, I agreed to get married when my boyfriend arrived in our home with his family to settle the matter. A month after, I was a wife to boy who I trust would become a man soon.

My father wanting badly for both my husband and I to earn a degree for our child allowed my husband to go back to school while I stayed at home waiting for my term. Trying to be good and obedient children, we abided by what our parents said.

Six months after I gave birth, I also went back to the university, shifted to a different course and continued my education. My husband and I rented an apartment and we would go back to Manila on weekends…the only time we see our child.

It was hard, living on our own, with too much temptation around and seeing our child only on weekends. We tried to get used to the situation and adjust to it to make the best of it…but the situation got the better of us.

We started to live our lives like we were ordinary teenage pals living under the same roof and him coming home only when he wanted to. The house became the hangout of our friends who would come in and out or even stay overnight, taking away much of our privacy.

We started to enjoy our freedom from the family responsibilities too much that our relationship started to go down the drain!

Allowing too many people in our lives endangered us and brought us to a bumpy road that seemed to have no escape. He got tired of my out of this world hospitality to our friends and I got tired of the numerous infidelity issues about him. After four year of fighting, misunderstandings and selfish intentions, we got separated. I found out more about his infidelities and he got tired of my guts.

In one year I started to work part-time and study to make up for all that pain I’ve caused my family and my child. I wanted to prove to them that I can make it on my own.

Then, the wind took a different direction and blew him back. In as much as I wanted to hold on to my pride, I wanted my child happy and it was his father’s reappearance that brought twinkle to her eyes.

We agreed to get together again and after two years I got pregnant with my second child. Halfway in my pregnancy, another woman came into the picture. Though it pains me to get separated again with my husband, I feared staying with him even more. A month after I gave birth we separated again.

Again I struggled to keep my family happy by doing things the way they wanted things to happen. I worked for my family. My parents expressed their fear of me remarrying if I work for other companies. I was tied down to serving my family.

But my heart and mind was fighting. It was too late in my lifetime to rebel but it was then that I did it. Being tied down to something that’s a dead end built so much anger inside of me. There’s no moving up in this company, I shouldn’t be here, it was bugging me. All the frustrations made me feel worthless for my kids. I felt like my kids would think that I’m a puppet with no identity. I had to make a move, do something for myself to take off all the anger growing in me, lest I will end up losing.

I have to secure my kids and make sure I can care for them even if time would take away the people that are helping me at the moment. I have to prepare myself and be independent whether they like it or not.

My parents being the protective but loving parents that they are allowed me a little freedom. While not being able to leave the family business still pained me so much, I had the consolation of at least doing something that I knew brought a smile on my child’s face. She was proud that I was singing and writing…but it was only for a while.

Just when I thought things are going to be fine for us, I got side tracked from my plans. I had to again inflict myself with pain far greater than the previous ones. I got into a relationship…I fell in love and fell in the abyss!

Most people believe that it was libido that drove us into this relationship. They would not, in any way put themselves to believe that truly I did fell in love. I was too old for it so they claim…but no…I was still young…it just was not right…he was a family man and I, still legally married.

But it happened and resulted to another pregnancy. I was different before, as I’ve said earlier, for this time I did took into consideration aborting the baby. If I was too strong and brave in the earlier part of my life…I was weak and afraid this time.

But God has his ways of saving the innocent, if in my first bearing he used my dreams, now he used our weakness to save the child. He made us even more careless and made sure we slip, for once it happened, the baby was safe…no one touched the child when the issue exploded.

Of course, this is but once again a condition brought about by my use of too much heart and less mind. A situation which brings pain to the small angels that I have in my room, something that made me a failure again, but pushed me to move on, a puzzle that only acceptance can solve - a gift that only God can give.

It didn’t take me long to decide on what I will do. I didn’t have the luxury of sulking for I have to be strong for my children. I had to move on and pray that I be allowed to move on. This is just another hurdle, and like most hurdles in my life, I will overcome this one.

I have made a lot of bad choices. I have disappointed a lot of people and much more myself. I have failed so many times and had been frustrated. But if I were to be given another chance to go back and change my life, I wouldn’t change a thing. For whichever road I take, failure and pain is bound to come my way, it will just be in a different package. I have asked for forgiveness for all that I’ve done, still I do not regret a thing of my past for it was laid to me for a reason - learning. My past made me who I am today, no matter how people perceive my personality I have become a human being who can love and live.

Frankly, counting your disappointments, failures and frustrations is a trap. They never come to an end. You have to be dead to not experience them. Better count how many times you stood up, fought and moved on because it is there that you will find fulfillment.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

When life is in limbo

I guess I am indeed stubborn. I go do as I please and this often leads me to my own destruction. I have entered once more the vicious cycle that took me years to escape and all because I let my guards down. Now, once more, my life’s in limbo!

Too late for apologies, too late for crying, the damage has been done and there’s nothing left to do but to move on. This is what I kept telling myself weeks before.

When you hurt people, you ought to apologize. You might be the kind of person who appears to have no remorse of what he’s done but still, asking for forgiveness is a person’s responsibility to his loved ones, to the people he hurt and to himself.

But don’t expect to be forgiven at an instant. This is what I’ve learned. You may have asked for forgiveness, but being forgiven is not easy so don’t push your luck too much.

A priest once told me that if apologies are a person’s responsibility, so is forgiveness, but in both of these responsibilities come sincerity, it cannot be forced out of anyone.

If you have apologized sincerely and have been forgiven, thank the Lord for the person’s compassion. If you have apologized sincerely and but was given a mere shrug, thank the Lord still, for the person is human like you.

Bear in mind that you have apologized, you took the first step and the next step is to prove that you are sincere and this goes with action. Only then will you earn forgiveness.

So, this is where my life is at the moment, trapped in a world of pain and sorrow. A world I have unfortunately…accidentally created for myself, out of mindlessness…out of carelessness…out of love…a world where forgiveness is now nowhere in sight.

I guess it’s all too fresh for me to share, but it’s something I have to slowly face. Revelation is a part of life that one has to be ready for, lest he will not have salvation. Confession is a therapy and a therapy is something you undergo for a long period of time, and if you don’t take the first step, you’ll never reach the end.

This latest tribulation created a hole in my personality. Something I never thought would ever happen again in my life. But history has its way of repeating itself to show people what they’ve missed out on.

Indeed, I’ve missed out on a lot of things. More importantly, I missed out on lessons that I have learned over my last journey. They simply slipped off my body and left me empty once more to absorb another crisis…a new crisis which seems to be a dead end.

I was too close to giving up. I have never seen myself giving up on anything, not even when I had a crisis a few years back. But this one is enough to drag my sanity out of my body. I have to hold on to something, I have to find a stable “something or anything” in me that will hold me down and keep me standing.

Days passed…weeks…and still the hole keeps on growing…getting deeper…creating something more like an abyss. In the middle of this chaotic world that I’ve once more created I felt nothing but fear. Fear that I have lost this battle. I couldn’t accept it! I have never lost a battle in my life and I will not let it happen now.

There were no more answers outside of me. I realized that I cannot reach out anymore for I have bound my hand too close to my body when I created this world.

In the darkness of soul I’ve created a wall to separate me from reality. With an impure heart I have painted a world full of pretense. Yet still, in all these barriers I struggled to search inside. Wishing that there’s something left inside that would give me hope. And there, in the dark soul and impure heart I came across forgiveness. The last piece left for me.

I went from hurt to plain miserable, I was trapped, I couldn’t let go and could not move on and the answer I found was because in the course of all the apologizing that I have made to the people I’ve hurt, I forgot to apologize to the most important person of all, the one person trapped in the middle of this crisis…me!

I haven’t forgiven myself for letting my guards down, for searching for love and acceptance in the most unlikely places, for hurting the only people who have been willing to die to protect me, for neglecting the souls that I have vowed to care for, for loving and for getting hurt.

I am about to jump over my next hurdle, the struggle to find forgiveness for myself.

If in my previous victories I have done it because of the cheering crowd all around me. This time, I have to do it alone and prove to the world that I can reach the end of the line and raise my own flag and be able to claim again my person…the one I’ve lost a year ago.

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