Thursday, April 18, 2013

Giving up is a choice

In my last blog I said that the issue of choosing to give up is worthy of another blog. So here it is...let's talk about choice.

Choice, everything in life is a choice. Happiness, love, forgiveness, living, all of these are choices that we make everyday, whether consciously or subconsciously.

So, if we can choose to live, why would people choose to die?

I will not claim to be an expert on this matter, but I will instead share to you a choice that I had to make when I was met with a very big issue--death.

In 2010 I fell sick. Doctors never found out my illness and in the end they just concluded that it was chronic fatigue.

I was so sick that I couldn't stand up. I was bed-ridden for 10 months. My friends, my family, everyone thought I was going to die. I never thought it...I knew it.

I know I was going to die, but I was also fully aware that I still had a choice. I could still live if I choose to because I know that more than anything, it is our brain that is in control of our whole body. What we think will trigger the information that our brain cells would send to our whole body. It's a very simple science.

It was clear to me back then, but I still couldn't make a choice. Why am I not making the choice? Why am I allowing my body to fade? I didn't know why, at least until a few months after I got well.

Honestly, I was manic depressive that time. It was like all the heartaches and frustrations that I have gone through over the years finally took its toll and it manifested physically. I was in great physical pain and at the same time I was having an unbearable emotional pain.  I was sad, I felt like the whole world has turned its back on me. But in reality, the world didn't turn its back on me, instead I turned my back to the world. I didn't die because I have recognized this fact early on so somehow my brain has unconsciously chose to live. I realized it early, but I didn't act on it positively.

I chose to be treated like a baby because I missed the time when I was being cuddled and hushed whenever I am sad. That time when I was sick was actually an opportunity for me to feel love again and my family didn't fail me. I chose not to get up because I was enjoying the attention, and since I was enjoying the attention given to me while I was in pain, my body responded by giving me even more pain and putting me into an even more pitiful situation--a near death situation. I was nearly dying so people around me was giving me more attention; or at least that was what I thought back then. Later on, after I chose to get up, I realized that their attention was with me all along, even before I got sick, I was just too busy to pay attention.

I lasted 10 months in this condition when most people in the same condition only lasts 2 months and dies afterwards. That's because they never gave the people around them a chance or they did not give themselves a chance. They fail to recognize that in this life, to get what you want, you have to take chances. They further fail to recognize that in taking chances, there is always the risk of getting hurt. They chose not to hurt anymore, I on the other hand, chose to be in pain to get more pity and attention.

But what changed my mind? Why did I finally choose to get up and walk?

I had an epiphany after watching a rerun of a documentary by Kara David, a Filipino reporter, about malnourished kids. There was a 19-year old girl that she featured. I was filled with pity for the girl, her body was skeleton-like and she couldn't get up anymore on her own. In all pride I told my nanny (yes I had a nanny) "At least I don't look like that!" and she just looked at me disturbingly. I could see the pity in her eyes and right then I knew I had to get up and walk. I don't want to look ugly when people would put me in my coffin. I want to die pretty. So that was not the time to die because I was thin, unhealthy, generally ugly!

You see, if we keep on looking at things from a negative perspective, our brain will subconsciously choose to give up, then our body, our mind and our emotion will give up at the same time.  We have to be conscious always so that we will be in control of our choices.

Choice is something that we do everyday. Once you have chosen to do something, you have to keep on choosing to do it everyday. I was reminded of this when watching the movie "It Takes A Man and A Woman".

One more thing about choice, it controls our image. If we choose to be pretty then we will be pretty and everyone will see us as pretty. This is self-concept, yet another issue worthy of another blog.

It Takes a Man and a Woman.jpg

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